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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Truth & Honesty Vs Fake & Phony

Honesty & Truth!

Many people fear it. Many people can't understand it. Many people don't respect. Many people can't accept it.

What is it about these two words, these two actions that make many people feel so intimidated?

I was in a relationship with a guy that used to say to me "A lie is sincere." And, it just as well may be. Yet, I am a strong, confident and a secure woman. Not only will I respect your truth and honesty; I will allow it to set me free.

Let me break down what I mean by "Set Me Free." This is a little far fetched but, it has happened to someone out there.

You meet a man and he's perfect. He's everything you've ever wanted in a man. He's strong, confident, secure, he can and will provide, he's affectionate, loving, caring, he can cook, he can clean, he's intelligent, he respects you, he understands you, he enlightens you, he wants to protect you, and etc.

You'vw been in a relationship with this man for three years. It's Christmas time and he has to go out of town for work. It was a last minute thing and all of your family lives out-of-state. While he's out of town one of your home-girls invites you to a Holiday Gathering at a one of their friends family's home. You had no plans. So you accept. You get there and the ambiance is great. The food is smelling good. The folks are treating you like family. And all is well. You've been there for a couple of hours when the door bell rings.

And... in walks your man with his wife and kids.

Now, that truth will make you go crazy. But, let's just say you were dating this guy for two weeks and he came out with truth and was honest. That truth and honesty will set you free by giving you the option to decide on whether or not you would like to continue a relationship with this man knowing his circumstances. Shoot.. you may have some circumstances of your own that would make a relationship like this a perfect fit for you. I don't know. I don't judge.

Now, let me touch base on the phony and the fake. Ever been with a man or a woman who fronts like they don't talk to any members of the opposite sex. Or even better, they don't talk to the opposite sex around you. Well, what are they doing behind your back that they can't do in your face???

Beware of the fake and the phony decepticons. They are out there.

What are your experiences dealing with the fake and the phony??

-LaRisa Janai