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Thursday, February 12, 2009

"Caught Him Out There, Pt 2"

Locking the door behind her she storms out with her overnight bag in her hand. Feeling frustrasted and betrayed as she walks down the street and through the snow that lies on the ground from night before. Feelings of uncertainty cross her mind as she stops to take a look back. She thinks to herself "Did I overreact? Should I have waited to confront him?" Shaking her head in disgust she continues on what feels to be like a long walk home.

When she arrived at her car it was buried in snow. Once again disgusted, she thinks to herself "A real man would have cleaned the snow off my car already." She put her keys in the ignition, turned the defrost on and begun to clean the car of snow. Since the snow was more like ice she had to wait in the car until the defrost started to work. Five minutes went by and it wasn't quite ready. Ten minutes go by and it is beginning to defrost. Twelve minutes go by and she recieves a phone call.

It was him, wondering where she had gone and if she were coming back in. When she answered "No" he replied "Oh god! What's wrong now?" And, she answered "You."
He then asked,

"What could I have possibly done? Everything was perfect. We were having a great time."
"That's true everything was perfect, until I discovered the real you."

He continued to hit her with the Blah, Blah, Blah. But, she wasn't hearing any of it. He asked, "Where are you now?"
"In my car waiting for it to defrost."
"I'll be right there." he replied. But, she couldn't have cared less.

And, like the Jackson 5, but without calling his name, when she looked over her shoulders he was right there outside in the cold pleading his case. But, all she had to say was "You're fake, phony and a fraud." He tried to get irate but she wasn't having that either. She wasn't giving in or giving up any info. He begged for her to come in the house to talk it out. She resisted until she was too tired from fighting. Plus, it was almost Five in the morning and she really didn't feel like driving... all.the.way.home.

She was already HOT, but once she got inside the house and in the heat, her blood was boiling over. She wanted to hit him with everything in site, but she didn't. She maintained her composure.

She looked at him in his eyes and said "You have the platform just be honest to me, tell me what you're hiding. I will not judge you and I won't hold it against you. I just need you to be honest with me. I need you to tell me what I already know." He looked confused. You could almost see the thoughts running through his mind like "Damn!!! What does she know? I hope it's not this and I hope it's not that." But, it was this, that, and whole lot more. As he stood there not saying a word, not opening up and not being honest she knew that this was it. There was no way that they would ever rebuild what has just been destroyed. She believed in honesty and he believed in using trust as a form of trickery. He held her honesty against her making her believe that honesty was wrong and trusting in someone who was playing you, was right.

So, I end with these few questions...

Do you tell your significant other about the men or women friends in your life or do you keep them as secret.

Where do you draw the line with friends that you talk to and text, who are not your significant other?

If you're chilling with your significant other and their phone rings, yet they only answer the phone for the same sex, does that raise a red flag?

Please comment.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"Caught Him Out There"

Why is it that MEN or should I say "So-Called Men, Playas" or whatever they are calling themselves these days, always manage to get "caught out there?"

Imagine this......

You spent the entire weekend with your man and everything was going well. No arguments, fights, debates or aggrevation of any sort. It's Two O'clock in the morning and neither one of you are tired, so you decide to go for a run.

You all are out there in the cold with the fresh air brushing against your face. Enjoying each other and enjoying life. Now, you get back to the house and he ask

"Do You want to take your shower first or should I take mine?"

Since, you always take your shower first, you rep

"Baby, you can take yours first."

And now, it's a little after 3:30AM. You're man is in the shower, you are lying on the bed reflecting on your relationship with him, thinking what a good man you have and are thanking God for him. When all of the sudden you hear, back to back vibrating sounds coming from the nightstand to your right. It's his cell phone. You think to yourself "Oh hell no! I done been down this road too many times before."

You take a deep breath, sit up in the bed then reach for the phone. Without hesitation, and feeling somewhat anxious you open the cell phone and see that there is a text message from a woman who obviously wasn't you at 3:54 in the morning. Shaking your head in disbelief and disgust, you read it. HELL YEAH!!!! You Read that message! And, it says "U Up?"

Your blood is boiling just a little when you start thinking about all the times you may have text him or he may have text you with those same exact words "U Up?" and what it meant to you. Yet, stil feeling a little anxiety you say to yourself "Fuck rationalization!!!" you text back with a reply of "Yes"

What a Bold Bitch!?!

Less then five seconds pass and you receive a reply "What are you doing?" you answer "Y Wassup?" Now, ten seconds go by and you're hoping his ass don't get out the shower. Then Boom, an incoming text comes through and it reads "What's wrong with you, Geesh" and you no longer need to reply.

Instead, you get the fuck up, put on your clothes, pack your shit, and get the fuck out of there....

WHAT HAPPENS NEXT???? Wouldn't you like to know??? First, kindly answer these three questions.

DO you think she was wrong for leaving?

Wrong for checking the phone?

Wrong for texting back?

Let me know what you think....

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Is is Okay for a Woman to Hit Her Man????

We always hear about men abusing their womem; from bitch slapping them, to hitting them, to beating, kicking, punching and dragging them around on the ground like rag dolls. Some men even go as far as to kill their women.

But, how often to we hear about women beating on their men? Seldomly. So, seldom that so many women begin to feel that it is acceptable. You may even hear some women say "Well, he must have done something wrong for her to just up and hit him." But, how would that apply if it were coming from a mans mouth in regards to abusing women. For some reason, I don't think that women would take it very lightly.

So, what makes a woman feel that it is okay to put her hands on a man and think that he won't or better not put his hands on her? What do women think about? What goes on through their minds? Do women think "Well I know his momma raised him not to put his hands on a woman, so he ain't gonna hit me back?"

Honestly, I have no idea. And, I ain't even gonna front. I have put my hands on a few dudes and rarely have any of them tried to defend themselves. But, for the ones that did. It was almost as if I lost respect for them. Like, How dare him defend himself. Sounds kind of crazy right?? Yeah well, that's because it is crazy.

In realationships, both sexes need to learn how to keep their hands and tempers to themselves. You can not let your emotions get the best of you and the best of your relationship. If you are with someone that you feel like you need to put your hands on, then you're probably not with the right person and should seek counseling for some help with anger management.

Jewel: If you allow someone to trigger you to the point where you have to step outside of your norm then you are allowing that individual to control you.