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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Is is Okay for a Woman to Hit Her Man????

We always hear about men abusing their womem; from bitch slapping them, to hitting them, to beating, kicking, punching and dragging them around on the ground like rag dolls. Some men even go as far as to kill their women.

But, how often to we hear about women beating on their men? Seldomly. So, seldom that so many women begin to feel that it is acceptable. You may even hear some women say "Well, he must have done something wrong for her to just up and hit him." But, how would that apply if it were coming from a mans mouth in regards to abusing women. For some reason, I don't think that women would take it very lightly.

So, what makes a woman feel that it is okay to put her hands on a man and think that he won't or better not put his hands on her? What do women think about? What goes on through their minds? Do women think "Well I know his momma raised him not to put his hands on a woman, so he ain't gonna hit me back?"

Honestly, I have no idea. And, I ain't even gonna front. I have put my hands on a few dudes and rarely have any of them tried to defend themselves. But, for the ones that did. It was almost as if I lost respect for them. Like, How dare him defend himself. Sounds kind of crazy right?? Yeah well, that's because it is crazy.

In realationships, both sexes need to learn how to keep their hands and tempers to themselves. You can not let your emotions get the best of you and the best of your relationship. If you are with someone that you feel like you need to put your hands on, then you're probably not with the right person and should seek counseling for some help with anger management.

Jewel: If you allow someone to trigger you to the point where you have to step outside of your norm then you are allowing that individual to control you.

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